Saturday, 1 March 2014

Food Preperation for Week 1

Just finished making and preparing all of my meals for Week 1. It smells delicious!

Personal Goals

My overall weight loss goal is to get back to 65kg and fit back into all of my clothes! At 65kg I was super happy with my weight. I was never super skinny...but I was curvy, fit and very toned. I want that body back!

Overall, I have 20kg to lose. 20kg is quite a lot so in order to make my goal achievable, I have broken it up into the following timeframe. I will be using to help keep me accountable.
28 days/4 weeks - 30th March 2014
-lose at least 4% of my bodyweight (85.09kg - 3.41kg = 81.68kg)
- eat clean and train 6 out of 7 days
-run 3km without stopping
- break my sugar addiction
56 days/8 weeks - 27th April 
- lose at least 8% of my bodyweight (85.09kg - 6.80kg = 78.29kg)
- eat clean and train 6 out of 7 days
- run 5km without stopping
84 days/12 weeks - 25th May
- lose at least 12% of my bodyweight (85.09kg - 10.21kg = 74.88kg)
- eat clean and train 6 out of 7 days
- run 7km without stopping
112 days/16 weeks - 22nd June
- lose at least 16% of my bodyweight (85.09kg - 13.61kg= 71.48kg)
- eat clean and train 6 out of 7 days
- run 8km without stopping
140 days/18 weeks - 20th July
- lose at least 20% of my bodyweight (85.09kg - 17.01kg= 68.08kg)
- eat clean and train 6 out of 7 days
- run 9km without stopping

168 days/22 weeks - 17th August
- lose at least 24% of my bodyweight (85.09kg - 20.42kg= 64.67kg)
- eat clean and train 6 out of 7 days
- run 10km without stopping

Week 1 - Current Measurements and Before Photos

Current Measurements:
Age: 27
Weight (Kg): 85.09kg
Height: 172cm
Chest: 109cm
Small of waist: 84cm
Waist around bellybutton: 94cm
Hip: 120cm
Thighs: 70cm
Arms: 33cm
BMI: 29 (top end of overweight scale)
Before Photos:

My Weight Loss Challenge

Welcome to my weight loss journey. I am starting this weight loss blog as I am on a mission to change my lifestyle habits and transform my body. I aim to use this blog as a tool to help motivate me and keep my weight loss efforts on track. I will be basing my eating and exercise plan around the principles from Matt Thom and Monica Wright's 84 Day Challenge - Eat Green Stay Lean.
'If you don't dare to begin, you don't stand a chance of getting there. The time for action is now!'